Unlocking Emotional Eating Workshop

Shop 20, Belmont Citi Centre, 41 Macquarie Street, Belmont, NSW, 2280
Unlocking Emotional Eating Workshop

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Are you turning to food to cope?

Have you tried before without success or lost weight and found it, struggled with will power and ended up hating yourself more?

Whilst turning to food 'helps' in the short term. It's only adding to our stress levels at the end of the day as we struggle with our weight, body image and self-love on top of everything else we are dealing with and working through.

This workshop is for you if

  • Food is your way of coping or rewarding
  • Eating makes you feel 'good' until it doesn't and you feel worse
  • Leaves you cranky or irritable when it doesn't 'fill the void' or 'hit the spot'
  • You are exhausted from the cycle of desperation to feel better and the disappointment and frustration you did it again
  • Have told yourself you won't do 'that' again
  • Struggle to stop and it's the whole block, pack, jar or bottle.
You might be exhausted from the cycle of the sheer desperation to feel better and then the disappointment and frustration that you did it...again.

Emotional eating is driven by emotions. This work is the missing mindset element to change.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) aka Tapping, gives us the power to harness that emotion and process it in a healthy way, rather than eating it.

It’s a gentle but powerful tool to understand what lays underneath and is driving our behaviour of turning to food / drinks. It helps us process our hard stuff so the emotion isn’t driving the behaviour and we don't have to rely on motivation or will power
Brain Scans before and after EFT Tapping

So why Tapping?

Tapping reduces cravings by 74%^

This study shows that the changes in cravings were mirrored by changes in brain activity while viewing images of craved foods when thinking about consuming them.

When the pre & post-treatment fMRI scans were compared, the parts of the brain that lit up when the images of high-calorie foods were shown, no longer lit up as they did before, for the EFT Tapping group.

Tapping also reduces our cortisol, a stress hormone on average by 43%* in 1 hour!

Ready to begin transforming your relationship with food, for good this time?

Join us for this hands on Unlocking Emotional Eating Workshop
MOVED TO LATE JAN EARLY FEB - Dates to be released.
What is included?
  • Workbook and session notes
  • E-Book - 5 Ways to transform your day from surviving to thriving
  • E-Book - 6 Common Reasons why you may be struggling to "get over it".
  • A small intimate group of like minded people, up to a maximum of 8 so everyone will have time to get specific.
  • Complete confidentiality
  • BONUS Tapping scripts - valued at $25
What do we cover?
There are some basics and a few key things to work through to unlock the hold emotional eating has on you. This workshop doesnt cover dieting, nutrition or exercise regimes nor is it convincing you to see things differently, we look at the hard stuff that stands in the way, long held beliefs and the habits and beliefs sitting in our subconscious that aren't serving us.
  • What is EFT? The basics, for home use and in session
  • Doubt - That we can do actually do it, let weight go, change our habits, be 'that' person etc
  • Resistance – I hate it, but its hard to stop, it's serving you on some level, perhaps its how you cope.
  • Motivation - Lack of motivation it feels hopeless..feeling like we have so much evidence of past failure.
  • Cravings – Tackling the big ones in the moment and in preparation.
  • Stress and past hurts- Uncovering the underlying reasons why you're turning to food. What is it you're actually craving?
  • Lack of interest in or fear of exercise or water - it's not preaching to you about it, it's looking at barriers or resistence to it.
  • Tangible ways to use EFT in your day to move from surviving to thriving and getting to sleep!
What do you need to bring?
  • Pen & extra paper
  • Your CRAVED Food, yep bring it along! If it's something like hot chips etc you may be able to purchase it on the day. If its chocolate or a donut etc bring it along with you.
  • A willingness to explore the deeper levels of your 'stuff' to really begin to shift your mindset in an emotionally safe place.
Shedding 18Kg

Who am I and why am I hosting the workshop?

My name is Katie and I am a Certified, Clinical EFT Practitioner & Mentor, Certified with Evidence Based EFT. I have 100's of hours of experience with clients and my own story in this space.

I am human  and know all to well where you are right now.

I am part way through my journey, and more comfortable in my own skin now than when I was even ‘lighter’. Even when I was at my ideal weight, I couldn’t see it or appreciate it. I still wasn’t comfortable as me.

This journey, working through the hard stuff has indirectly allowed for ever increasing

  • self-acceptance
  • self-compassion
  • self-worth
  • self-trust
  • self-love
  • confidence
  • true moments of joy, really living life

It’s not been about ‘losing weight to look better’ it’s been an inside job to feel better.

As a result I shed some weight, I don’t need it to protect me or buffer me anymore. I choose the word shed, because when we lose something, we tend to want to find it again. Shedding is to simply get rid of something, that is no longer wanted or needed.  

Yep I am in ! I am ready to begin unlocking my emotional eating and freedom!

Any questions you can reach Katie directly on 04 333 222 37 or katie@awakenfreedom.com.au


The outcomes in this document are not intended as a substitute for consultation with your professional health care provider. The information here is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. Katie Clark is a Certified Evidence Based EFT Trained Practitioner and is not a licensed health care provider, therapist or psychologist. The services Katie provides in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) are educational in nature.This work is not psychotherapy and you are responsible for your own well-being.  Katie may not give medical advice, diagnose medical conditions or prescribe any medications.

^ The Science behind Tapping, Dr Peta Stapleton Phd,2019

*Stapleton, P., Crighton, G., Sabot, D., & O’Neill, H. M. (2020, March 12). Reexamining the Effect of Emotional Freedom Techniques on Stress Biochemistry: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy